We are pleased to announce that we have been ranked for the 11th consecutive year in all 5 legal practice areas we submit for, and six of our lawyers and consultants have been recommended and mentioned by name in the Legal 500 EMEA 2023 commentary for their standout contribution to respective practices. Being amongst the highly ranked Cypriot law firms is a true honour for our firm.
More specifically, AGP Law has been ranked in Commercial, Corporate and M&A, Litigation & Dispute Resolution, Banking & Finance, Intellectual Property and Tax.
These particular rankings cover a firm’s performance over the duration of a year, which also includes direct contact with the firm’s clients as well as other participants for their feedback on the firm’s work.
The client research undertaken for the Legal 500 rankings has two main threads and encompasses both qualitative and quantitative analysis.
A few words from our clients about our firm as published by the Legal500 EMEA 2023 edition:
“The practice consists of a highly qualified team of lawyers, consultants as well as chartered accountants, all specializing in different areas of tax and it is evident that in the past few years they have invested deeply on expanding their tax practice. AGP Law lawyers have an exceptional way of handling tax projects and it’s a pleasure for us to work with such a team.”
“They have gained a strong reputation on tax in Cyprus and I believe there is no other law firm in Cyprus with such a truly dedicated tax practice as the one AGP Law has. The differentiative factor from competitors in Cyprus is that AGP Law consists of a true tax team, specialists on tax and on focusing on expanding this practice further.”
“The corporate – commercial team of AGP Law is a truly large one, aiming at being high end professionals and to meet all strict deadlines – for sure one of the best legal teams in Cyprus. The firm has an excellent team of corporate lawyers, consultants and administrators”.
“Their litigation team is one of the best in Cyprus in my opinion with a wide range of knowledge and always able to think outside the box. The case is ongoing and AGP Law is handling it perfectly in all aspects. It is our pleasure to be working with such firm and team, and to have them by our side.”
“What makes AGP Law banking and finance practice unique is the range of expert professionals they employ, as each one of them excels in their field”.
We would like to extend our gratitude to our clients and associates for their feedback, we greatly appreciate it.
Angelos Paphitis, Managing Partner of AGP Law commented: “A huge thank you to the entire AGP Law team, I appreciate your hard work and commitment and I would also like to thank all of our clients and associates for their feedback and support.”
For more information on our firm’s profile and rankings click here.