Dominic Bright

Barrister of England & Wales
Dominic provides advice, drafting and representation in first appeals (against the judgment of a trial judge) and second appeals (against the judgment of an appeal court).
Dominic provides advice, drafting and representation in first appeals (against the judgment of a trial judge) and second appeals (against the judgment of an appeal court).

Dominic Bright

Barrister of England & Wales
Dominic provides advice, drafting and representation in first appeals (against the judgment of a trial judge) and second appeals (against the judgment of an appeal court).
Called to the Bar of England and Wales in 2016, Dominic practices commercial, construction and property law, both as sole counsel and together with leading counsel, Timothy Frith.

He has defended FTSE 100 companies, including a multinational bank and the UK’s largest general insurer. In June 2022, he appeared as sole counsel on behalf of the first appellant in a conjoined, two-day appeal before the Court of Appeal. He also completed a three-month secondment to the world’s largest publicly-traded property and casualty insurer, where he specialised in autonomous sanctions surrounding marine and aviation insurance.

In August and September of 2022, Mr. Justice Griffiths was Dominic’s group tutor on what is ‘internationally recognised as arguably the best and most intensive advocacy course in the world.’ He was a judicial assistant to Sir Brian Leveson (then President of the Queen’s Bench Division).

Dominic has a particular interest in advising on, drafting and representation in, commercial disputes involving novel technologies, including artificial intelligence (“AI”), cryptocurrency, autonomous drones and synthetic biology.

Furthermore, Dominic assists authors to publish academic articles and professional texts on national and international law. Some examples of his work include ‘A Practical Guide to the Small Claims Track‘ (Second Edition) (Law Brief Publishing, December 2020), and, ‘Trespass to Land‘ in volume 40(1) of Atkin’s Court Forms (Practice and Forms) (assisted the contributor, Simon Brilliant, LexisNexis, August 2019).

In June 2024, he attended: the Chatham House London Conference 2024, in which the CEO of the UK’s national institute for data science and AI (the Alan Turing Institute) and the director of Microsoft’s Democracy Forward discussed whether AI helps or hinders the democratic process; and an ‘Introduction to Cryptocurrency Disputes’ by David Quest KC.

Dominic holds two postgraduate qualifications, is an active member of various domestic and international professional associations, and enjoys gardening, travelling and learning about geopolitics when time permits.

  • British Institute of International and Comparative Law
  • Chatham House, the Royal Institute of International Affairs
  • Civil Mediation Council, UK
  • Commercial Bar Association, UK
  • Property Bar Association, UK
  • South Eastern Circuit, UK
  • Technology and Construction Bar Association, UK
  • Master of Laws (LL.M) in Professional Legal Practice (incorporating the BPTC), BPP University Law School, London Holborn, awarded Distinction
  • Master of Laws (LL.M), King’s College London, School of Law, awarded Distinction
  • Law (LL.B Hons) with European Legal Studies, King’s College London, School of Law (incorporating an Erasmus exchange at Uppsala University, Sweden)
  • Advice on settlement and prospects of successfully objecting to an application to amend HM Land Register, so as to properly protect a right of way, when a new house had since been built on the servient tenement, so that the right of way could no longer be exercised (June 2024).
  • K v S – particulars of claim in respect of a commercial property for possession following forfeiture on the basis of non-payment of rent, judgment for over £100,000, mesne profits, over £6,000 interest, and contractual costs (January 2024).
  • Advice in relation to whether new rights of way by express grant were needed in relation to two pieces of land for which planning permission was granted utilising new entry and egress points (May 2023).
  • P v P – despite all of defendant’s applications on the day of trial being refused – first, to rely on an amended defence and a witness statement; secondly, to give evidence remotely from the United Arab Emirates; and, thirdly, to adjourn – successfully cross-examined both directors of the claimant company and made submissions, so that the claim was dismissed (March 2023).
  • London Borough of Islington v Borous [2022] EWCA Civ 1242: applied for permission to appeal and, having been granted, appeared as sole counsel on behalf of the first appellant in a conjoined, two-day, live-streamed appeal before the Court of Appeal (June 2022).

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