Unlocking Cyprus Citizenship: A New Path for Game Developers
AGPLAW’s Managing Partner, Angelos Paphitis, delivered crucial insights on “Unlocking Cyprus Citizenship: A Guide for Game Developers” during a panel discussion last Friday, May 31st.

The session delved into recent changes in Cyprus citizenship law, emphasizing how these amendments streamline the naturalization process for IT professionals and top talent.

Key Points from the Panel Discussion:

Changes to the Citizenship Law:
On November 30, the Cyprus Parliament approved amendments to Article 111 of the Population Register Law of 2002 (141(I)/2002). These changes are significant for professionals from third countries, allowing them to apply for Cypriot citizenship more quickly—within 3-4 years.

Key requirements include:

  • Lawful residence in Cyprus for the 12 months preceding the application.
  • B1 level proficiency in Greek and knowledge of modern Cypriot politics and social realities.
  • Clean criminal record and no illegal entry or exit through unrecognized territories.
  • Financial self-sufficiency with a minimum steady income exceeding €2,500.
  • High academic and professional qualifications.
  • A fast-track examination process, with application processing time not exceeding eight months.

Residence Requirements:
Citizenship applicants must avoid being abroad for more than 90 consecutive days to ensure these days are counted towards their residency requirement.

Good Character Criteria:
Applicants must maintain a clean criminal record, avoid illegal activities, and not pose a threat to public order and safety. Social media activity reflecting disrespect or disobedience to Cypriot laws could impact eligibility.

Language and Cultural Knowledge:
Proficiency in Greek (B1 level) and an understanding of Cypriot politics and social realities are mandatory. Applicants must pass exams administered by the Ministry of Education.

Financial Stability Requirements:
Applicants need a minimum monthly income of €2,500. This requirement is particularly relevant for IT professionals relocating to Cyprus.

Family and Dependents:
Family members of applicants, particularly those holding a Family Reunification (FR) card, must meet the same requirements, except for the salary criterion if they are dependent on the primary applicant.

Legal Nuances and Misunderstandings:
Applicants must ensure all documents are up to date and correctly legalized. Common mistakes include submitting outdated criminal records or invalid permits, leading to delays or rejections.

Practical Advice for Applicants:
Seeking legal advice from immigration experts can help navigate the complexities of the citizenship application process and avoid potential misunderstandings.

If you missed the discussion, you can contact AGPLAW at agp@agplaw.com  to stay informed about the latest legal landscape and opportunities in Cyprus. This guide provides a comprehensive overview for game developers and other IT professionals considering Cyprus as their next career destination.

For all enquiries please contact our team of experts at agp@agplaw.com 

The information provided by AGPLAW | A.G. Paphitis & Co. LLC is for general informational purposes only and should not be construed as professional or formal legal advice. You should not act or refrain from acting based on any information provided above without obtaining legal or other professional advice.

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